
Aaron Read
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For more than forty-five years Aaron has played a leadership role in moving public policy at all levels of government. His extensive resume includes all phases of political work, including lobbying extremely complex and controversial issues, public relations, coalition building, as well as legislative and initiative campaigns. He began his career in the late 1960s after he obtained a Masters Degree in Business Administration (MBA) and went to work for a large statewide association. Aaron has a lifetime teaching credential and is also a former graduate level instructor in business and public administration at Golden Gate University.

As an expert on retirement issues and public employee pensions, Aaron has worked closely with policy makers to write key legislation. As an articulate and capable advocate, Aaron has fostered relationships with the media, legislators, and high-level state employees. Aaron was recently named one of the top 10 most influential people in Sacramento by Capitol Weekly. Aaron also has special expertise in grassroots campaigns.

Terry McHale
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Terry McHale served as Director of the California Fire Foundation and Consultant to the California State Assembly Committee on Fire, Police and Emergency Services. Terry has worked with a wide range of clients, writing and lobbying hundreds of pieces of legislation.

Terry has been given the Director’s Achievement Award on behalf of CAL FIRE, the President’s Award from the California Dental Hygienist’s Association (CDHA), the President’s Special Award from the California Athletic Trainer’s Association (CATA), and the Floyd Hudson Award for Outstanding Contributions to the California Off-Highway Motor Vehicle Recreation (OHMVR).Terry has interviewed and written stories about such interesting Californians as Clint Eastwood, Willie Brown, Kareem Abdul Jabbar, Willie Mays, Gary Condit, Harrison Ford, Senator Jim Brulte, Senator John Burton, as well as Governors Pete Wilson and Gray Davis.

Joelle McCoy
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Joelle is the Office Manager for Marketplace Communications. She oversees several tasks.

Brian Read
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Brian Patrick Read is a writer, producer and CCO (chief creative officer) in Film, TV and Advertising working with major Hollywood studios Sony, Warner Brothers, Dreamworks, and Capitol Records.

In advertising, Brian has worked with the top Madison Avenue P.R. Houses writing and producing multimedia campaigns for globally recognized brands and Fortune 500 companies including PepsiCo., Mercedes Benz, Panasonic and the Make-A-Wish Foundation.

Read applies the same passion and creative spirit to the needs of every client from bill lobbying to multimedia.

Brian’s ethos is simple: find the common denominator between the brand and the audience, that visceral connection and illuminate the call to action.

Jesse Delgado
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Jesse Delgado has been a part of Marketplace Communications for over 3 years. With years of experience in visual media, he has a wealth of knowledge and expertise as a videographer, photographer, and as a social media analyst. His skills and abilities have made Marketplace Communications excel in productivity and professionalism.

Stephen Rodriguez
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Stephen comes with extensive experience and a substantial graphic design portfolio prior to coming to MPC. Having formerly worked for the Salvation Army’s Divisional Headquarters, he has designed leading-edge material that has been used on a global level. Currently, Stephen is Marketplace Communications’ Graphic Designer and serves as the Director of Media Relations and Outreach, organizing and disseminating materials for clients, as well as writing press releases and op-eds.